Waqar Ahmad from Brooklyn, NY

Alias Waqar Ahmad, Mr Waqar Ahmad
Male, 81. Born July 9, 1943
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Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Mobile Phone number for Waqar Ahmad in brooklyn, ny

Associated with Ahmad Hassan (2023-2024), Ahmad M Afzal (2022), Muhammad Ahmad (2015, 2022)
Seen 2015-2021

Landline phone numbers for Waqar Ahmad in brooklyn, ny

No Associated People
Seen 2004-2024
Associated with Rosita Y Kong (2020-2021), Kevin Yuenchung (2020-2021), Kevin Yuenchong (2020-2021), Margarita Yuen (1999, 2014-2018, 2020-2021), Bill Yuen Chong (1985, 2014-2018, 2020-2021)
Seen 2016
No Associated People
Seen 2016
Associated with Mordechai Timberg (2017), Boris Savranskly (2014), Aleksander Savranskiy (2014), Gitya Pesok (2012-2024)
Seen 2016
Associated with Tetyana Aleksandrova (2014-2015, 2018)
Seen 1997-2007



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Waqar Ahmad, born July 9, 1943 in Brooklyn, NY
Waqar Ahmad


New York

Jul 9, 1943

7 facts you might not know about Waqar Ahmad

1943 When is born
6 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
17 Past addresses
1 Email
13 Associates by phone number
32 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Waqar Ahmad

When was Waqar Ahmad born and how old is he now?

Waqar Ahmad was born on July 9, 1943 and is 81 years old now.

How do I ring Waqar Ahmad?

The current landline phone number for Waqar is (718) 769-3006. The mobile phone number associated with Waqar Ahmad is (347) 612-6764.

How do I reach out to Waqar Ahmad by email?

Send an email to Waqar at [email protected].

What is Waqar Ahmad’s residence address and when did he move there?

Waqar currently lives at Brighton 7th St in Brooklyn, New York, 11235-5203. He has been living at this address since 1990.

Where did Waqar Ahmad live before?

Waqar Ahmad has often moved and lived at the following addresses: 2811 Brighton 7 St, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5203 · Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5203 · 2811 Brighton St, Apt 7, Brooklyn, NY, 11235 · 2811 Brighton 7 St, Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5203 · 95 Neptune Ave, Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5315 · 2811 Brighton 7th St, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5203 · 70A Brighton Ct, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-6204 · 33 Carroll St, Brooklyn, NY, 11231-1301 · 2811 Brighton G, Brooklyn, NY, 11235 · 304 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-7413 · 889 Sheffield Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11207-8320 · 2811 Brighton Beach Ave, Apt 7, Brooklyn, NY, 11235 · 76 Carmelo Rd, Bristol, CT, 06010-2616 · 216 Montgomery St, Bridgeport, CT, 06605 · 2811 Brighton St, Brooklyn, CT, 06234 · 76 Carmen, Bristol, CT, 06010 · 2821 Brighton 8th St, Brooklyn, NY, 11235-5254.

Who lives on the same street as Waqar Ahmad?

Public databases show the following people as Waqar Ahmad’s neighbors: Carlos Martinez · Nusrat Mastan · Azra Ahmad · Ahmad Hassan.

Does Waqar Ahmad have a spouse?

Yes, Waqar Ahmad is reported married in our records.

Who are Waqar Ahmad’s relatives?

Our system has indicated the following people as the family of Waqar: Azra Ahmad · Waqar Ahmad.

Who has worked or works with Waqar Ahmad, shares or has shared the same address with him?

Our system has identified the following people as Waqar Ahmad’s friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: Carlos Martinez · Nusrat Mastan · Ahmad Hassan · Robert A Stoll · Vidal Palacios · Ivonne E Carpio · Rafiq Choudry Ahmed · Mohammad Arshad · Sameera A Zahid · Kevin Flynn Jr. · Jaspal K Gill · Douglas Traub · Musya Benderskaya · Stanislava Lugauskas · Elliott J Temme · Elliott M Temme · Erkan Toptas · Arife Bek · Rasime Tabaru · Yavuz Cam · Taci M Bek · Khaja S Mansuri · Mustafa H Ozsoy · Suat Tabaru · Ergul Ergin · Selen Ergin.

What sign is Waqar Ahmad?

The star sign of Waqar Ahmad is a Cancer.

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People Search States NY Brooklyn 2811 Brighton 7th St Waqar Ahmad