Carmita Teresa Leon from Arlington, TX

Alias Ms Carmita Leon, Ms Carmita Teresa Leon
Female, 66. Born February 17, 1958
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Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
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Landline phone numbers for Carmita Teresa Leon in arlington, tx

Associated with Preston K Dorsey (1993, 2004)
Seen 2009-2018
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Seen 1993-2008


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Carmita Teresa Leon, born February 17, 1958 in Arlington, TX
Carmita Teresa Leon



Feb 17, 1958

6 facts you might not know about Carmita Teresa Leon

1958 When is born
5 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
17 Past addresses
1 Associate by phone number
198 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Carmita Teresa Leon

How old is Carmita Teresa Leon and what is her date of birth?

Carmita Teresa Leon was born on February 17, 1958. She is about to turn or has already turned 66.

How to find Carmita Teresa Leon’s phone number?

Please reach Carmita Teresa Leon at (817) 999-5341. Alternatively, you can call Carmita Teresa Leon’s landline at (817) 277-2941.

Is Carmita Teresa Leon reachable by email?

There is no email address for Carmita Teresa Leon in our database.

What is Carmita Teresa Leon’s current home address and when did she move there?

She currently resides at Cora St, Arlington, Texas, 76011-5719 and has lived there since 2001.

What were Carmita Teresa Leon’s residential addresses before she moved to her current place?

Carmita Teresa Leon previously lived at the following addresses: 816 Carrington Dr, Arlington, TX, 76001-7573 · Cora St, Apt A1, Arlington, TX, 76011 · 1207 Painted Desert Ct, Arlington, TX, 76001-7907 · 4601 Windcastle Dr, Apt 1118, Arlington, TX, 76018-1052 · 916 E Randol Mill Rd, Apt 2403, Arlington, TX, 76011-6018 · 2700 Furrs St, Arlington, TX, 76006-3839 · 6507 Jennie Ln, Arlington, TX, 76002-5511 · 9117 91st St, Woodhaven, NY, 11421-3020 · 707 Garden Shadow Ln, Apt 70, Arlington, TX, 76011-7968 · 745 Polk Dr, Apt 3C, Arlington, TX, 76011-0805 · 91 91st St, Apt 17, Woodhaven, NY, 11421 · 405 Cora St, Apt 216, Arlington, TX, 76011-5769 · 511 E Lamar Blvd, Apt 139, Arlington, TX, 76011-3909 · 13415 Hawtree St, Jamaica, NY, 11417-2535 · 8729 75th St, Woodhaven, NY, 11421-1830 · 13415 Habbtree St, Ozone Park, NY, 11417 · 8001 Jamaica Ave, Jamaica, NY, 11421-1902.

Who resides close to Carmita Teresa Leon?

Who are the members of Carmita Teresa Leon’s family?

Our records have indicated the following people as the family members of Carmita: Byron A Leon · Lila V Leon.

What kind of work does Carmita Teresa Leon do?

There are no job records for Carmita in public databases.

What is Carmita Teresa Leon’s sign?

Since Carmita Teresa Leon’s date of birth is February 17, her astrological sign is an Aquarius.

Is there any other Carmita Teresa Leon living nearby?

Our database lists the following people as having the same/similar names: Carmita E Leon (63 y.o., Ridgewood, NY) · Carmita E Leon (63 y.o., Ridgewood, NY).

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People Search States TX Arlington 508 Cora St Carmita Teresa Leon