Icilda L Moore from Brooklyn, NY

Alias Ms Icilda L Moore
Female, 80. Born January 15, 1944
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Single Family Dwelling Unit
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609 000 USD
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Icilda L Moore, born January 15, 1944 in Brooklyn, NY
Icilda L Moore


New York

Jan 15, 1944

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1944 When is born
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FAQ ABOUT Icilda L Moore

What year was Icilda L Moore born and how old is she?

Icilda L Moore was born on January 15, 1944, so she is currently 80.

Is Icilda L Moore reachable by phone?

It is hard to reach Icilda L Moore by phone. There are no landline or mobile phone numbers associated with her in publicly available sources.

What is Icilda L Moore’s address and when did she move there?

Icilda L Moore resides at Fillmore Ave in Brooklyn, New York, 11234-4636. She has lived there since 2019.

What are Icilda L Moore’s previous residential addresses?

We haven’t found Icilda’s previous home addresses.

What is Icilda L Moore's job?

There is no employment history of Icilda L Moore in our database.

Who are Icilda L Moore’s friends, current and former coworkers, roommates and other people associated with her?

Multiple records identify the following people as her probable friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: Eli Dresler · Christine L Wilkisson · Barbara T Laroque · Hugue Lapomarede · Georgette Philemond · Fernand Laroque · Malcolm S Harding · Errol A Scully · Audrey E Williamsthor · Mary Joseph · Bookie S Smith · Michael D Mitchell · Nathan Dresler · Christine Lapomarede · Marie R Laroque · Natasha Laroque.

What is Icilda L Moore’s star sign by date of birth?

Since Icilda L Moore’s date of birth is January 15, her astrological sign is a Capricorn.

Is there any other person with the same name in Nuwber’s database?

Our database lists the following people as having the same/similar names: Icilda Moore (70 y.o., Far Rockaway, NY) · Icilda L Moore (80 y.o., Loganville, GA) · Icilda G Moore (83 y.o., Hollywood, FL).

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People Search States NY Brooklyn 5215 Fillmore Ave Icilda L Moore