Jennifer M Decollibus
from Rocky Point, NY

Also known as: Ms Jennifer Decollibus, Ms Jennifer M Decollibus
Age: 47 years old
Gender: Female
Born: September, 1976

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Landline phone number

Associated with Michael Decollibus (2022), Michael J Decollibus Jr. (2005, 2012-2022)
Seen 2013-2023




Fact File

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Jennifer M Decollibus, born September, 1976 in Rocky Point, NY
Jennifer M Decollibus

Rocky Point

New York

Sep, 1976

10 facts you might not know about Jennifer M Decollibus

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

Home Owner

Home Ownership

262 000 USD

Property Value


Residence Since


Marital Status


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FAQ ABOUT Jennifer M Decollibus

How old is Jennifer M Decollibus and what is her date of birth?

Jennifer M Decollibus was born in September, 1976, so she is about to turn or is already 47.

Do you know Jennifer M Decollibus’s phone number?

You can try to reach Jennifer M Decollibus on her landline phone at (631) 209-2037.

Does Jennifer M Decollibus have an email address?

Use the email address to get in touch with Jennifer.

What is Jennifer M Decollibus’s address and when did she move there?

What were Jennifer M Decollibus’s residential addresses before she moved to her current place?

Jennifer’s previous address is not known.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as Jennifer M Decollibus?

Our files indicate the following people as the neighbors of Jennifer M Decollibus: Joseph G Wetherell · Juanita H Wetherell · Nicholas V Diprima · Mary B Diprima · John E Diprima · Philip Wohl · Thomas Clarke · Eileen R Wohl · Kenneth M Kowalchuk · Philip Wohl · Emily R Wohl · Mary Clarke · Jacqueline E Wohl.

Does Jennifer M Decollibus have a spouse?

Yes, our records show Jennifer M Decollibus as married.

Who are Jennifer M Decollibus’s relatives?

Our records list the following people as her relatives: Michael J Decollibus Jr. · Michael Decollibus.

What does Jennifer M Decollibus do for a living?

The information about Jennifer’s occupation has not been found.

Who has worked or works with Jennifer M Decollibus, shares or has shared the same address with her?

Jennifer is believed to be а friend, coworker or associate of the following people: Karen S Mccarthy · Theodore T Anthros · Mishelle C Cardella · William L Pabisz · Brian K Skidmore · Richard E Schirmer.

What is Jennifer M Decollibus’s astrological sign by date of birth?

Jennifer M Decollibus’s star sign is unknown.

Are there any other people named Jennifer M Decollibus who live in the same area?

We have found the following people with the same/similar names in our system: Jennifer Decollibus (47 y.o., Shoreham, NY).
People Search States NY Rocky Point 8 Yeoman Rd Jennifer M Decollibus